Re: phimosis and happy

Written by RS on 24. September 1999 at 21:30:02:

In Reply to: Re: phimosis and happy written by AL on 10. September 1999 at 08:45:49:

>Happily problems with sex or masturbation, merely the foreskin will not retract the slkightest bit. No infections.No smell .....

Hi Al,
.... no smegma at all is maybe an exception, a lot of men get fed up with cleaning under a severe phimosis like yours, ... I know of several men with your attitude who afterwards wonder why they didnt get it fixed earlier ... I only read about men who got it fixed (as an adult) and regretted it (which I can well imagine if they had a full circ in mid life), .... anyway the way I see it its your own choice, ... the same as the men who want to remove it.


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