I know EXACTLY what u are going through

Written by Norm on 18. November 1999 at 21:33:22:

In Reply to: Mild Phimosis written by Andrew on 10. November 1999 at 02:17:34:

Man..let me tell u....being "uncut" is nice in its own way (some women love it...its rare, different and looks good....plus fun to play with...lol), but it is also very annoying and sometimes I feel like yelling out at my parents and asking them "why the hell didn't u just do it!!". Probably because they didnt think I was gong to encounter any problems. After about 2 years of being sexually active ( I started when I was 18....Im now 25), I realized that I too was getting small micro cuts around my foreskin. Sometimes they got to bad that when I took a shower, just water making contact with my foreskin was enough to make me cry out in pain. I didnt know what the problem was. 2 years ago, I was dating this girl that was very prone to yeast infections. Well, since Im uncut and that is the PERFECT evironment for yeast to grow....I got infected too. I had to see a urologist and he put me on Diflucan......which did the trick well. When he examined me, however, he immediately noticed that there wwas something wrong with my foreskin...I didnt tell him anything...but he sowed me the scarring that was there and told me that eventually I might have problems......awesome doctor for being able to spot that without me discussing and of my symptoms with him. Well...to this day, I still sometimes get flare ups....rarely, but they still occasionally happen...maybe once every 6 months. The only real problem I have is when it comes to ejaculation ! I have sex alot...and I can honestly tell you that my current g/f is NOT pregnant because of this problem I have. Although I have been strongly encouraging her to go on the pill, she is somewhat ignorant torwards it and has not taken the initiative yet......and she doesnt want to use a condom either because "it doesnt feel good". Soo..we use the conventional "pull out" method as a means for birth control.....go figure. It scares me beause we end up having sex right about the time when she should be ovulating....2 weeks after her period begins.....this has been going on for a couple of months now and she DOES NOT GET PREGNANT. This also happened with my ex g/f....although she did eventually get on the pill. I need to be graphic here....when I pull out and I can feel my penis pulsating.....nothing squirts out.....only when I actually manipulate my penis with my hand....like "milking" it...do I actually ejaculate. Why? Because the foreskin is too damn tight !!! While this is a mans dream come true at this point in my life....I know later on when I want to have a family, Im gonna have some major problems.....thats for sure....and I will cross the bridge when I get there. My foreskin feels a little too tight when my penis is erect and it is retracted. It also causes the head of my penis to look bigger than it actually is becuase it is bloated (imagine a cock ring if u will....but for the head of ur penis.....get the picture?) This gives the illsion of me having a very large fat head...which is nice =)~ lol...but at the same time..where the foreskin is the tighest..it constricts the natural thickness of my penis....and looks a little thin compared to the rest of my penis. Im naturally thick....so this problem makes my penis look thin at that tightest portion of my foreksin(rigth before the head of my penis.....when of course, the foreksin is retracted. Anyways..just wanted to share with you my experiences. And Im glad to know other people are going through the same thing I am.....and UNDERSTAND. Id also like to thank the doctor of this website..for providing information and consolation to "us" out there with this slight and sometimes annoying problem. Take care....Norm in Miami

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