Frenulum Breve - HELP!!!!

Written by Craig at 05 May 2000 21:52:30:

I've waited a few months to see a urologist about my frenulum breve. I told my GP that I didn't want a genereal anasthetic and he made me aware that the operation was done under local with the frenulum being anesthetised. I went to the urologist today who told me that I would have to have my frenulum cut under general anasthetic in case anything went wrong or it bleed too much and then I would have to have a full circ! I don't want this at all - I thought it was simple enough to have the operation done quickly and easily under local! The uro said that he thought it was too risky to do under local in case I needed a full circ during the op and that the 'gap' was too big????! I'm now back to square 1 and I don't know where to go from now on! Should I try a cream or get a second opinion? Does anyone know of a good urologist in London? (I went to Greenwich hospital today) I would rather live with it than have a full circ so any suggestions would be great! Sorry for the length!!!!

Craig :-(


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