relief of penile pain

Written by KA Conrad at 08 May 2000 01:20:10:

Paul St. John, of St. John Neuromuscular Pain Relief Seminars, has had success treating Peyronie's, as well as a variety of other genital pain problems including infertility related to low sperm count. If you are interested in contacting him check out his seminar website: stjohnnmtseminars. They can give you his clinic phone number, and/or you can ask for names of Certified St. John
Neuromuscular therapists nearer you than his home base in Florida. Certified therapists are scattered around this and several other countries, and about a dozen of us are also instructors of the discipline. I have not had any clients come to me with Peyronie's, but I have had patients with several manifestations of genital pain -- so far it all seems to respond quite well to what we do, which is to treat the small muscles of the pelvic floor and lower abdomen, as well as correcting posture problems that may have caused these muscles to tighten in the first place.
The mechanism that muscles can cause genital pain may be better understood if you are aware of symptoms of a heart attack: most commonly it causes chest pain, radiating into the jaw and down the left arm. There is no nerve that connects the heart to the jaw or left arm: this is an example of pain radiating away from the causal point, also known as trigger point referrals.

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