Re: Atypical frenular confusion

Written by RS on 27. August 1999 at 01:39:25:

In Reply to: Re: typical frenular confusion written by Steve on 26. August 1999 at 00:35:35:

hello Steve,

Its clear to me that you have some sort of extreme situation, it is not a normal description, and these days it is only occasional that someone writes who cant find the condition described in my pages, so you are an exception, an interesting case!

BTW I thought after my last letter
>>... a frenuloplasty
>OK - sounds nasty but if it doesn't take long I guess it isn't - wish they give them less scary sounding names!

you`ll be glad you havenn`t got "Balanitis chronica circumscripta plasmecellularis benigna"


>When my penis is limp my foreskin over hangs the end of my penis by about 1cm and it seriously smaller than the rest of my penis - I can't even stretch the end of it anywhere near as wide as the rest of my penis

I think as you said before, you mean you cant stretch it as wide when erect.

A lot of men retain the tubular appearance of an infant phimosis, and on one hand maybe this appearance has started to disturb you ... sometimes this infant phimosis is stuck together ... but its not in your case because you can retract behind the glans when flaccid.

One important diagnostic point for me is that there is no movement when erect, and one thinks, maybe its a pinhole phimosis, BUT with a pinhole phimosis you would not be able to retract when flaccid, --- with a partial phimosis you could reatract when flaccid, BUT with some movement when erect ... so, this indicates to me that something else is keeping the foreskin forward, ... and as you indicate it is happening in the area of the frenulum, now it could be that the infant adhesions in this area never released and have become fibrous and solid, ... ?


>Is it possible to combine a frenuloplasty with a partial circ or are they mutually exclusive?

they are compatible no problem, but at this point I cant guarantee if you need a frenuloplasty, you need something releasing around the frenulum area, but exactly what?? - lets hope it hasnt got a long name -


>If there are mor details you would like to know then please feel free to email me

none of my normal questions seem to ring the right bell - helpful would be a picture from underneath when retracted, but parsimony forums dont like pics so you`d have to send it privately ...

lets work on the possibility that the infant adhesions have become fibrous in this area, so when flaccid and retracted, underneath you cant see any frenulum, there is no groove under the glans, its just like a continuous sheet of skin, ... if its not a sheet of skin, how does it look?

you said before:
>when I roll the foreskin back the skin that links the foreskin to the bottom of the glans is very short and almost stops the foreskin from retracting full on the bottom. Its hard to describe what it looks like

>>and look at drawing 4 ... the dark area is the outer foreskin ... look at the top picture, - I presume that in your case the point of the outer foreskin is almost directly connected with the apex of the "V" shape ... is there any space at all between outer foreskin and the "V" shape? in fact if this was the underside of your penis, the entire area of the shaft would be dark coloured ...

>Yep thats about it

however hard it is ... I think its this description which I need -- try it --- is there a certain amount of "free roll" in the foreskin underneath even though its tight on top (when flaccid), --- roll it back how does "the very short bit of skin that links the foreskin to the bottom of the glans" look, ... is it a sheet, is it various strands, or a ridge ???


>>&1,200 for an op. or &125 for a consultation,

so not as private as that!

lets just try for the simplest thing and maybe it`ll work. I get the impression that the simplest thing to do with the NHS, is to jump the references from local GP, and to ring up your local hospital urology dept. direct for an appointment, ... it would naturally depend on the area but it might be worth a try, ... (hey if you`ve got a girl friend and pretend youre getting married soon you might jump a few queues)

what you need is a diagnosis, if the guy suggests a full circ. or doesn`t raise an eyebrow when he looks at the frenulum area then he isnt a specialist ...


well there are a few more ideas for you, but I think eventually I might be asking you to help me and tell me what it was, so I can get the answers right simply in future ... or get the questions right ...


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