Re: Bared Glans but not cut

Written by Bobby R. at 29 Aug 2000 22:21:40:

As an answer to: Bared Glans written by John at 27 Jul 2000 13:18:41:

>I am in my late teens and are uncircumcised but my glans is totaly bared at all times. Before pubety my glans was covered, in my early teens my foreskin started to retract with errections and every morning I would pull my foreskin foreward over the glans, but it would always roll back as my glans had enlarged now that it was free of my foreskin. In the end I gave up and left my foreskin where it wants to sit, retracted behind my glans.

I always envied guys like you. I read that about a third or more foreskins are short enough to do this on their own. I sure wish mine did but I had to work in the opposite direction that you did. I wanted mine bared like yours. I considered mine the odd one but I know there have been others like me who had to keep pulling it back all the time. Some guys have to use rubber bands and tape and things to make it stay, so we envy you.

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