Re: Retracting Foreskin

Written by R J Knight at 06 Sep 2000 18:56:16:

As an answer to: Re: Retracting Foreskin written by Harold at 04 Sep 2000 03:37:17:

Certainly there's no danger from keeping a foreskin as loose as yours pulled back. There shouldn't be any need to resort to o-rings & such either. Millions of American men born between World Wars I & II, before circumcision became more or less standard here, managed to train their foreskins to stay back behind the glans by pulling the skin back as far as it would go, then turning it inward on itself and rolling it forward so it folded up behind the glans, leaving this fully exposed. The first time you try this the foreskin will naturally unroll and resume its natural coverage of the glans, but what you can do to keep this from happening is to fold the skin inward and roll it forward to leave the glans exposed just the way you want it, then fasten the skin in place with adhesive tape and keep the tape in place for a couple of days. After this you can carefully pull the tape away and the foreskin should stay rolled up in place, leaving the glans fully exposed. It will stay that way as long as you want it to; if you ever change your mind and decide that you want to cover your glans again, what you can do is roll the foreskin forward again and tape it so it stays in place for a couple of days. Not many men have done this because they usually are happy with the result of their "circumcision-without-surgery." When I was in the service I knew a good many older men who had fixed themselves up this way and seemed to be quite content with the result.
One question comes to my mind: at the nudist beach, why does your wife want you to pull the foreskin back? So you'll look like an American? Or does she just prefer the look of an exposed glans? Or is she interested in keeping the penis clean? Just wondering! (Remember it's your life, your body, your penis and what you do with it is totally your affair! And your wife's, of course!)Cheers, Bob.

>>Since a lot of years I try to keep my foreskin back. We are very often at a nudist beach in Europe an my wife wants me to pull the foreskin back. That works only for two days. After this time my foreskin starts to swallow and it slips over the glans. Does anybody knows if it is dangerous, to retract the foreskin, what can happen. My wife an me enjay ist, but we don*t want to circumzise. (sorry for the mistakes, I'm from germany)
>Not dangerous if paraphimosis doesnt result on first tries. Actually beneficial, cleaner, more disease resistant. Some extremists will say this could cause loss of sensaation, but having done this from age 12 to age 76 I say it is not true.
>You may have some luck with placing several (3 or so) "o-rings" of whatever size will go at lessthan full erection, or using some tape. Sometimes after several days of this the corona will expand a bit and help to hold the skin from going forward.
>If not using such assistance the other thing especially at first, is to push th forekin back as soon as possible after it slips forward. It is also possible to have done some surgical removal of the skin on the top without taking any from the lower side, not a full circumcision.
>If you can succeed with this I am sure you will be pleased. It has worked out fine for me. It took less than aweek for me. Not everyone has the same length foreskin, etc. I wish you luck! Wear it Bare! Enjoy

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