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My Full And Honest Experience With Phimosis

Written by chImp at 02 Sep 2004 20:13:18:

This a beginning of a lengthy document, which I have
divided into chapters so that it's easy to read.
I don't anyone to answer to any of the chapters, except
the last ones where I say it's OK to do so. Otherwise the
reader might get confused and not able to read this
document sequentially.

First, about myself: I am a person who, until the age of 21,
was suffering with phimosis ("tight foreskin"). A person is
said to have phimosis if he can't retract the foreskin (the
skin that covers the glans) all the way behind the glans.

If you're a person with foreskin problems of your own, you
very well might be very confused about the whole issue - just
like I was. Not only could I not retract the foreskin, I've never
ever seen a glimpse of my glans, and I didn't even understand what
a glans was. I didn't understand what I saw in hard porn movies.
I just understood that my penis was different.

If read this and know something is wrong with your penis, the first
thing you should do is to see your General Physician, at the very least
you'll know the name of your disease/condition.

I saw mine September 9th, 2002 and for the first time someone explained
to me what was wrong with me. Ever since February 11th 2002 I understood
something was wrong with my penis, but I was living with my parents and
afraid to talk about my problem with them. Instead, I was searching all
over the Internet, which was hopeless, because I wrongly assumed something
ELSE was wrong with me (more on that later: this is the full story, and
I'm not hiding ANYTHING, not even my own stupidity!).

My GP scheduled a foreskin-correction surgery for me. It was NOT
circumcision, as would be the case in US, since this is Europe and doctors
are more sceptical to such drastical solutions.

Still surgery is surgery, and I understood one thing, despite the state
of utter confusion and manic depression, which is this: my penis would
look different and quite possibly have different sexual sensations than
if I never had phimosis in the first place.

So, there was one thing I wanted more than anything else - to find a way
to correct my problem in a way that would convice me of this:

* There would be no difference whether I had phimosis for 21 years or not
* There would be no difference between my penis and that of majority
of other European males.

Today, I am totally convinced that I have achieved my goal, and I am
here to fulfill my 2-part pledge I gave to Destiny if my wish got fulfilled:

1) I'll go to my GP and tell him of an alternative, for many people a better,
way of dealing with phimosis than the standard surgery responce.
This I had not yet done, but I will do before the end of 2004

2) I would post my story here on ARC Forum2 or any other comparable web page
about my experience.

The point to help other people with the same problem as I had, if not for
the sake of being compassionate, then for the sake of fulfilling my part of
the contract.

Enjoy this story!
