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PART II - And Then I Realised

Written by chImp at 02 Sep 2004 20:23:11:

As an answer to: My Full And Honest Experience With Phimosis written by chImp at 02 Sep 2004 20:13:18:

PART II - And Then I Realised.

September 9th, 2002, I was watching a program called
"The Sex Sence" on Discovery, where they showed pictures
of a male penis. Nothing extraordinary, really, I've seen it
before, but my subconsciousness must have been aware of all
my abnormalities I've had all my life at that time.

So I had a "cold shower" experience - an awakening. Something was
. I was 19. You may ask yourself: what about sex education at
school? Personal sex experiences? Pornography? What took me so long
to understand your penis was different?

My answer is this: I was stupid and naive. The sex education pictures
were to a large degree DESCRIPTIONAL, NOT GRAPHIC. I remained a
virgin until the age of 21. And I liked watching soft pornography, not
hard pornography.

But wait until you hear this: I started searching the Medical Dictionary
at home and the Web for what was wrong with me ("phimosis", "foreskin"
and "glans" were not part of my vocabulary). Guess what I found out?

I "found out" that I was circumcised (in reality, having a tight foreskin
is the logical opposite of being circumcised!!!). My reasoning was:

1) I feel very little when I masturbate. I read on numerous Internet sites
that circumcised people have little sensation during sex.

2) I started to look closely at my classmates: I noticed that their
dicks appeared to be slightly different from mine, they had
a "fold", their foreskin looked thicker.

So, I came to the wrong/stupid/retarted conclusion that the "glans"
is what I get the pleasure from - that is, the tip of my foreskin.
And since I was "circumcised", an ADDITIONAL skin layer must have had
been removed from atop the first one. That's why the penises of other
guys looked thicker, they had an extra skin layer!

In the defence of your humble moron, I live in Europe. I've never seen
a circed guy, so I didn't know what I was talking about. If I were
circumcised, I would have been teased in the lockerroom. I never was,
so I assumed the other guys were simply polite not to say anything
to me or were afraid to admit they were looking at my genitalia!

Why on Earth would a person born in Europe, by European parents,
be circumcised? Why would my parents do this to me and give all my
abnormalities and poor sex sensation?

I started reading about circumcision on the Web,
and found out that, among other things, it was a cure for
phimosis. So, the word "phimosis" entered my vocabulary, not as
something I have NOW, but as something I had BEFORE. "Phimosis"
is why you circumcise people.

I never said anything to my parents.

I continued to be a moron until the autumn of 2002. And then I
moved out, started to attend college and being independent,
went to a General Physician( a woman ). Here's what happened.
