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Re: Can phimosis due to BXO be cured?

Written by Robin at 19 Oct 2005 19:31:38:

As an answer to: Can phimosis due to BXO be cured? written by inneedofhelp at 15 Oct 2005 04:13:36:

I very much doubt if phimosis due to BXO can be cured at the present state of modern medicine. Clobetasol propionate is in the elementary stages of being studied as a cure for phimosis due to BXO (the alternative more used name these days is LSA)

But who says you have BXO? if there are no symptoms, is this purely guess work, by a doctor who has not even started calling it LSA? - (I am not complaining about the doctors, they really dont have time to keep up to date with every subject). So, I am inclined to think this is a roughly guessed diagnosis and if so then stretching and steroids will help.

I havent personal experience of this - but Ive heard from plenty of men with experience and read all reports up until 2001

good luck


>Just a question regarding phimosis due to bxo. It is really tight, at the pinhole stage, yet there is no scarring or evidence of bxo on the foreskin - appart from the phimosis of course. There are no white marks or lesions, the surface of the foreskin seems normal. Apparently the bxo is on the glans.
>Can this be cured by stretching and steroied creams or is circumcision inevitable? If anyone has had a similar experience I would appreciate hearing from them.
