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Re: naive question

Written by Robin at 09 Mar 2006 19:09:29:

As an answer to: Re: naive question written by Antonio at 08 Mar 2006 17:53:44:

Hi Antonio,

first my e mail address which I dont like to write here because of spam, Robin.Stuart - at - or you can go to and pick it up from there.

I am presently collecting photos - so your offer would be appreciated. The pictures which are most appreciated by me, and the most helpful for diagnosing your condition are taken sideways when you are retracting the foreskin as far as it will go without pain, taken in the flaccid and erect state.

The best solution to frenulum breve is a frenuloplasty, which is described on the frenulum_treatment.html ... however please go to

On the frenulum index you will find the "frenulum praeputii assessment query" it might take you a half hour to answer, but this asks various questions which allow me to define what type of frenulum you have, and then I might be able to suggest other alternatives to an operation - (however it is a big IF - most likely you will need the frenuloplasty) - In addition to the questionnaire I also need to know if there are veins and arteries running through your frenulum? or is it thin and translucent?

Come on tell me if youre Spanish or Italian, or are you just an alien in disguise? you write very good English ...



>Hi all there
>First of all thanks a lot for your help and encouraging...I would like to send you(specially to Robin ) some photos of my permanent condition,so you could tell me more about my problem and direct me to the best solution for it...
>So Robin,can you tell me your e-mail adress to send you some photos?It would help if you could describe me what kind of photos and which views would help you best so you could come to a conclusion.....
>Thanks again for your interest
