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Re: frenuloplasty

Written by Robin at 02 Mar 2005 20:27:54:

As an answer to: frenuloplasty written by J. at 02 Mar 2005 20:26:39:

Hi J
I had frenuloplasty (also called frenulectomy or frenoplasty) - and have heard from hundreds of others who have had this operation, and I have NEVER heard of any problem - (this is especially relevant in comparison to circumcision where I often hear of problems).

You have a very healthy and scientific sense of curiosity - probably remarkable for a 16yr. old - and I imagine youve already done quite a bit of research -- so I hope you have a happy initiation - and to satisfy your thirst for info. on how the procedure is done go to

there are 5 short studies and pictures on this - the most important is probably the first, and Im not sure how much of the text was translated in my present online version - so the text is repeated below - there is more than one method however the zig-zag method is normally used.

all the best


In figure 1 the principles of plastic surgery are
outlined. The movement of two areas of healthy skin
formed by two isocoleses triangles, one is
designated with spots the other with stripes. By
moving the free extremeties of point B to point B'.
In the same way as the other extremity A
automatically moves to A' As a result of this
transposition the skin areas obtain a greater
vertical diameter and a zig zag scar.

Figure 2 shows the geometrical application to an area of skin
whose folds run transversally. (?help with translation?)
Una brida cicatricial los corta perpendicularmente. To correct
esta brida retractil it is necessary desviar y quebrar la linea
recta vertical and most effective way of doing this is the Z as
described above

Applying this method to the frenulum of the penis has given
excellant results (figures 3 and 4) without any rebellious cases
needing to be repeated. Notice that in figure 4 the vertical cut
is hidden in the balano preputial fold furrow/wrinkle (?help
with translation
?) y que las oblicuas sobre glande y prepucio
se independizan

I have this on my list to do, but if you want perfection and the translation of these passages NOW, then go to
