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Long Foreskin

Written by John at 25 May 2006 13:18:59:

I am a adult male with a very long foreskin. When soft there is about a inch and a half of overhanging foreskin and when hard it still totaly covers the glans, but can be easy pulled back over the glans. The problem is I can not get a condom to stay on as the foreskin rolls foreward taking the condom with it and it breaks. The other problem is I find it very hard to cum as my glans is covered by my foreskin. The only way I can cum is for myself or my partner to hold my foreskin back baring the glans as we are having sex. I do not want to get circumcised, is there any way only the overhanging foreskin can be removed so I will still have a foreskin but not so long of one? I feel very embarrised to ask a doctor about this problem
