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Re: Long Foreskin/frenulum breve

Written by Danny at 29 May 2006 14:54:22:

As an answer to: Long Foreskin written by John at 25 May 2006 13:18:59:

>I am a adult male with a very long foreskin. When soft there is about a inch and a half of overhanging foreskin and when hard it still totaly covers the glans, but can be easy pulled back over the glans. The problem is I can not get a condom to stay on as the foreskin rolls foreward taking the condom with it and it breaks. The other problem is I find it very hard to cum as my glans is covered by my foreskin. The only way I can cum is for myself or my partner to hold my foreskin back baring the glans as we are having sex. I do not want to get circumcised, is there any way only the overhanging foreskin can be removed so I will still have a foreskin but not so long of one? I feel very embarrised to ask a doctor about this problem

I read your post on a very long foreskin with interest, as I have one too. I also found it hard to cum and had trouble wearing a condom. My glans was also always very moist and wet and irritated and itchy from the very long foreskin. I seen 4 doctors and all they wanted to do was circumcise me tight so my cock head was bared. I did not want this done as I grow a lot when hard and if I was cut tight there would be no loose skin to expand when hard.
So several years ago I started searching the net on foreskins and found very little information apart from porn and pro cir sites. At last I found a site which is on here now about frenulum breve and thats what I had. I could pull my foreskin back with ease but it was anchored to the eye of my cock and when pulled back tight the eye of my cock would be pointing back down my shaft. I could only jack off with my foreskin over the cock head.
All the doctors could not tell me that, all they wanted to do circumcise me.
So I followed the instuctions on this site and tied my frenulum off with cotton which was not painful at all and after 6 days the cotten came off and my frenulum was cut and my foreskin for the first time went all the way back down the shaft. There was no bleeding no pain and no skin was removed and there is not even a scar to show where it was cut.
Now when I jack off, the foreskin is behing my glans, I have tried doing it with my cock head covered but after a few stokes my glans is always uncovered.
Sex is tenfold better as my foreskin is bared now when having sex. Also I no longer have a wet and irritated glans as my foreskin is now not been pulled foreward all the time by the frenulum. The foreskin has shortened to the stage that the eye of my cock is just showing when soft, where before I have over a inch of overhanging foreskin and that has now dried my glans out.
I think you will find that you have frenulum breve.
