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Re: More details on stretching.

Written by Robin at 23 Jun 2006 17:08:35:

As an answer to: Re: More details on stretching. written by funkyidol at 22 Jun 2006 12:10:22:

Hello Mr. Funkyidol,

Im sure Ive answered most of this already on this thread, but maybe you are just popping in for a chat ...

There are no studies on exactly how long it takes to stretch, Beauge reckoned ten days, with betamethasone 5 days is reported, but this is with regular stretching. If you do it irregularly then it is sure to take a lot longer.

You should check that you are not stretching against a frenulum breve.

This site is actually not geared to stretching, it is only one of many cures, some sites specialise in just stretching, even treatment of problems is no speciality of my site, there are some techniques used by pro circers and some used by anti circers and I just mixed them all together. The only thing which makes my site special is the thoughts on prevention and early monitoring and education ... it just seems to me that curing thousands of problems once men have reached adulthood is a bit silly, the problems should be prevented and checked before puberty.

cheers and good luck with your foreskin yoga


>im also suffring fomr phimosis and have been stretchind my phimotic ring rather irregularly. But i have seen improvment from past few months and have been able to stretch more then it used to get stretched earlier specially during mastrubation.
>I wanted to ask on how mch more time will it take it for it to stretch down completely. I am able to completely retract the foreskin while in flacid state but not if i get even a small amout of erection.
>I would also like to convey my whole hearted thanx to this community as it helped me recognise and help me find the solution to a problem that i might have gone about un-noticed.
>I'm sure i am going to recomend this site to any one in need.
>>Hi Chris,
>>its fine starting a new thread.
>>I am no expert (are there any anywhere?)
>>Lets just think practically and think about keep fit and stretching as in yoga etc. ... doing yoga once a day for an hour is not as effective as doing it four times a day for 15 mins ... I would suggest that 5 mins 4 times a day, and then a quick I minute every time you go for a piss would be optimal.
>>Tensing repeats - again we have no standardised tests with control groups etc. - I think what would help most is just a continuous motion of stretching - relaxing - I dont think it helps as much holding it stretched for even one second - then again if we think of yoga it is often recommended that one holds the stretch - Im afarid I dont understand the different natures of muscle and phimotic ring - maybe holding stretched for one second would be a good idea, but Im afarid there are no comparative studies on this.
>>What we need to achieve is elasticity in the phimotic ring - maybe my common sense is wrong - but I believe the continual stretching relaxing is the best way to encourage this elasticity.
>>Hope thats answered. -hows it all going?
>>>Hey. I talked to you a while ago in the post "The story so far". A few quick questions on your method:
>>>1. How long do you recomemend stretching for (A period of 30 minutes daily, etc.)?
>>>2. How many "Tensing" reps (IE, pulling outward until tensing and relaxing) would you recommend. How long should the reps last? (a second, 3 seconds, half a second?)
>>>Just a few specifics that the stretching FAQ doesnt seem to cover.
