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Circumcision four years ago and still painful

Written by Craig at 10 Dec 2006 23:54:14:


I was treated for phimosis four years ago for which i was circumised (at the time this was the only opion i knew due to my doctor). However today i still feel pain. For example i have been forced to change all my underwear due to normal boxers hurting all the time to the extent sometimes it was hard to walk let alone exercise. But with these new boxers i wear which are quite soft and tight they dont seem to hurt to much anymore.

This was not the only pain i experienced, from the shower to sexual acts i still experienced pain. which this led me to go back to my GP spring last year, which i was referred. I was issued with some cream (sorry i dont remember what it was called). to try and reduce the senstivity and pain i was experiencing, however after a few weeks my penis became very ichy, and luckily i consulted the label which siad if it becomes ichy this could be becuase of an allergic reaction, and to consult your doctor, which i contacted but with the wonderful world of the NHS it was about two months before i saw the consultant (however i stopped the treatment right away due to the label saying so until i saw a doctor, by which time the iching stopped.) When i saw the doctor again there was no real evidience there was any problems and said i was fine.

In the end all the doctor really said was there wasnt much they could do, and i was discharged,i was told it is like ripping off your nail from your fingure and exposing it all the time and so i was told i am likely to experience some disconfort as for most of my life it has been covered over.

All i am asking is that i still experience some disconfort and pain, i am now very concerned at meeting girls becuase i am scared it will be to painfor (like before) and it wont act as it should, i am asking is there anything else i can do, or am i doomed? I just wish now i know of the other teatments i could of tried.

Thanks for reading and any advice will be helpful. Also i should apologise to any spelling / poor grammer as i am desclixic.

