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Re: But few of them physical.

Written by MG at 12 Jul 2007 18:36:09:

As an answer to: But few of them physical. written by Roger at 12 Jul 2007 01:24:51:

Thanks for the etxtensive and quick response. Perhaps I was a little overdramatic with my post, however you must remember I only managed to see my glans for the first time a day or so before posting! I'm certainly not understating the problems I have. To realise also that there were bumps on the glans was less than helpful. Pearly penile papules looks exactly right, not Balanitis - me overreacting like you say. I was quite panicky and upset when I wrote the post and had earlier read all the crushing disadvantages of circumcision on numerous pages - a fate which I felt and still feel destined to undergo. I'm glad to hear that the overhang isn't completley abnormal, and yes through a combination of porn and general research it isn't all that uncommon.
The spots/rash thing after a little bit of calm headed surfing turns out to be Fordyce's spots, I'm almost 100% certain after the pictures I have seen. They are worse on the foreskin, bunched up and very very unsightly, this is another thing which leans me towards circumcision. The 'just get it over with' mentality I'm stuck on is also a big part of me wanting this now. I think it will help me, my confidence will increase afterwards I'm sure and perhaps I'll become more 'emotionally ready' to lose my virginity? I personally dont care when I first have sex but I feel now I would like to be ready so that I can approach a relationship without constantly feeling I wont be able to satisfy a partner.
As for my psychological problems I can tell you I am well aware! I think a trip to the psychiatrist may well be on the cards regardless of my being circumcised. I do believe however I have developed an aversion to sex through the physicial state of my penis, believing at some points that I was destined never to have kids or marry and all of those things. I have become rather prudish about it actually, in my own mind at least.
The Fordyce Spots and the papules are not considered things which need (or can) be treated if I am correct in my research but I really would rather live without both, of course you cant have everything but having my foreskin removed would make my penis a much healthier sight and would eliminate retraction problems all the more quickly.
Another thing I should of mentioned: my brother was done in his early teens and I think I heard my mother say once (in some very odd memory of mine!) that my father 'had problems'.
Thanks again for the response, I guess I do seem pretty determined on circumcision but this is only through reading the very confusing and conflicting arguements for and against it and the idiosyncrasies within my case. I am positive (if it goes well) that my penis and then my state of mind will be all the better for it.
