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Re: Frenulum

Written by Peter oh at 02 Jul 2005 20:09:39:

As an answer to: Frenulum written by Max at 11 Apr 2005 11:31:37:

>Hi Nick,
>First I'd like to thank you for putting together such an informative site.
>I believe I have a Frenulum Breve, however I am not entirely sure. When flaccid, the foreskin can be pushed well back. However, as my penis gets errect, the foreskin appears to get very tight, and the source of the tight foreskin appears to be coming from beneath the penis head, which I assume is the frenulum.
>What I would like to know is how I can be sure this is a Frenulum Breeve, and if surgery is nessesary, or if I can stretch it?
>One thing I have tried is moving the foreskin behind the head of the penis while flaccid, and when the penis gets errect, leaving the foreskin behind the head, and bearing the pain (it almost feels that something is ripping) in hopes that after this has been done a few times, it will stretch. What I have noticed while doing this is the head of the penis gets very dark in color, so I do not do this for a very long period of time (only a minute or two). Will this work?
>I look forward to hearing from you.
>Best Regards,


I advise the cut.It is the best. whitout pain, and after ten days is absolutly cured. The foreskin is retracted all the way, the head is fully peeled.
