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Re: Phimosis and Frenulum Breve (follow up question 2)

Written by Robin at 28 Sep 2005 17:04:03:

As an answer to: Re: Phimosis and Frenulum Breve (follow up question 2) written by Bongo at 24 Sep 2005 16:49:07:

Hi Bongo,

Firstly it must be understood that I am no expert on steroids and infections, only that it is reported that clobetasol propionate is reported to help BXO/LSA ... in addition one man reckoned homeopathy had cured his LSA.

>Now that the swelling has gone down, I find that there are two persistent problems. The frenulum is red and slightly inflamed. It has a slight sore on it (a little ulcer?) Even though the antibiotics knocked out the swelling in the rest of the phimotic band, the frenulum area never went completely back to normal.

I have often heard of a small ulcer forming on the frenulum as a result of it ripping.

>The swelling in the frenulum area (the area immediately below the frenulum) got slightly worse when I returned to biking. And, as it worsened, the phimotic band started to tighten on the dorsal side in particular. Some of the scars on the phimotic band that had healed began to crack again, but the cracks were not painful except when I put soap on them.

A tightening of the frenulum will cause the phimotic ring to tighten. The phimotic ring always tightens on the dorsal side.

>Retraction -- when my penis is limp or semi-erect, I can pull the foreskin all the way back, but the frenulum pulls the head of my penis down by about 45 degrees (thus my concern about frenulum breve).

This is very definately frenulum breve - It will pull the glans - head of penis - downwards in falccid or erect state.

>When fully erect, I can only retract the foreskin a centimeter or so down the glans before the cracks on the phimotic band seem ready to open again. I'm sure I could force the foreskin down, but I don't want to try.
>What are the steps I can take to treat this condition. My urologist recommends a full circumcission but does not view my current condition as a medical emergency.

At the risk of contradicting a professional - your Urologist does not know what he is talking about - Im afraid you need a second opinion ... This is an American doctor and they tend to be very quick with the full cut. Also do you consider your case as an emergency? ... maybe not, but comfortable sex is certainly a human request.

It sounds as though you will almost certainly need a frenuloplasty which removes the frenulum, -

>I want to avoid a circumcission at all costs because I fear that it will ruin my sex life and destroy my ability to masturbate. Is that a rational fear?

Full circumcision probably wont completely ruin your sex life, but it seems unecessary to have it done if you dont want it and yes it will affect masturbation. Its possible you may need a partial circumcision, - this will leave adequate mobility in the foreskin during masturbation - and when flaccid, it may be necessary to wear the foreskin retracted so that the glans stays dry ...

Im sorry, but what you seem to need is a new Urologist who is more conservative in his treatment, I believe that trying to persuade a profi who has made up his mind, will have no success ... It seems to me if he was certain that the LSA would reccurr then it would be a medical necessity and he would already have operated.

>However, BXO/LS seems like a much worse condition. Those fungi recur frequently and sometimes return even when the foreskin is removed. At least, that is my understanding.

LSA has a habit of reccurring.

If I put myself in your shoes, I would experiment with wearing the foreskin retracted when flaccid, and ring around a few other Urologists to find out from the receptionists if they CAN perform a frenuloplasty (and maybe partial circumcision).

- For further recommendations please see and /frenulum_treatment.html


PS. I wont be back till next Wednesday
