Appendix b

The three conditions are rarely mentioned, Many books dont mention the subject, (e.g. The Kinsey Report "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male")17 . Talking with nine men was more informative than over a hundred publicly available books in Birmingham and Hamburg, (on male sexuality, child care, psychology, medicine, urology and surgery, even anatomy books). The following examples speak for themselves.

The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex, says that phimosis and paraphimosis are infections18 . Desmond Morris tells us without any qualification in the best seller Bodywatching: "In fact circumcision has no medical advantages"19 .
Dr. Spock's long term best seller updated "For The Nineties" says "It may take . . some boys . . until adolescence, to have a fully retractable foreskin, but this is no cause for concern."20 .
Alex Comfort in The New Joy of Sex, is vague, but at least he appears to have heard something: "if you aren't circumcised, you need to retract the foreskin fully for cleaning purposes, and if it wont retract beyond the corona all round the glans except at the front, get it seen to . . If it . . is over-tight and gets stuck, get that seen to also. These are about the only things that are commonly wrong with a penis"21 .

In the books which were reviewed none (excepting Dr. Porst and the Kinsey New Report), mentioned the frenulum ripping.


1) Kenneth PURVIS "The Male Sexual Machine: An Owner's Manual" St. Martin's Press New York. (1992) p.30 : (Original Title "En Guide til Mannes Underliv" Gyldendal Norsk Forlag (1991),).
2) Desmond MORRIS "Babywatching" Jonathon Cape Ltd. London. (1991) p.157
3) Encyclopaedia JUDAICA Book 5 pages 567-576 Editor Cecil Roth. Keter Publishing House Ltd. (1971) p.575
4) Bruno BETTELHEIM "Symbolic Wounds" Revised Edition, Collier Books, New York. (1968) p.32-33, 50, 53
5) Bruno BETTELHEIM (ibid) p.33
6) Dr, med. Werner SCHÖBERLEIN "Bedeutung und Häufigkeit von Phimose und Smegma." Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 7. pages 373-377 (1966) p.373
7) Dr. med. F. SAITMACHER "Sozialhygienische Betrachtung zu einer routinemässigen Zirkumzision männlicher Säuglinge" Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen Jahrgang 15 Heft 23 Pages 1217-1220 (1960) p.1218
8) Horst DANNER "Zirkumzision bei Dermatologischer Indikation" Hamburg University. (1986) p.59-60
9) Dr. for Urology Dieter BEHLING in conversation. Quoted with permission.
10) Prof. Dr. Med. Hartmut PORST "Was jedermann über Sexualität und Potenz wissen sollte" Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, Trias (1991) p.60
11) The KINSEY Institute New Report on Sex. June Reinisch. Penguin (1990) p.39
12) LTC Edward J. PIENKOS, MC USAR "Circumcision at the 121st Evacuation Hospital : Report of a Questionaire with Cross-Cultural Observations" Military Medicine Vol 154, 4:169 (April 1989) p.170
13) Dr. Carl Graf HALLER "Hydrokortisonsalbe in der Nachbehandlung der Phimoseoperationen" 27 Zeitschrift für Urologie Heft 7 pages 385-387 (1957) p.385
14) Prof. Dr. Med. H. PORST (ibid) p.59-60
15) Felix BRYK "Die Beschneidung bei Mann und Weib" Gustav Feller. New Brandenburg .(1931) p.174
16) Dr. for Urology Dieter BEHLING confirms this
17) The KINSEY report "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" 9th. printing W. B. Saunders Company (1949)
18) The KINSEY Institute New Report on Sex (ibid) p.339
19) Desmond MORRIS "Bodywatching A Field guide to the Human Species" Jonathon Cape Ltd. (1985) Book Club Association Edition (1986) p.218
20) Dr. B. SPOCK and Dr. Michael B. Rothenberg "Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care for the Nineties" Simon and Schuster Inc. (1992) p.225-226
21) Alex COMFORT: "The New Joy of Sex" Mitchell Beazley International Ltd. (1991) p.59
35) Felix BRYK (ibid.) p.77
36) Kenneth PURVIS (ibid.) p.28
37) The Encyclopedia of RELIGION Book 3 pages 511-514 Editor Mircea Eliade. Macmillan Publishing Company. (1987) p.511
38) Encyclopaedia of RELIGION and ETHICS. Volume 3 pages 659-680 main Author : Louis H. Gray. Edited by James Hastings. Published T. & T. Clark. (1932 Reprint 1971) p.660
39) Felix BRYK (ibid.) p.176
40) Felix BRYK (ibid.) p.169 : (Quoting RISA (Nuri Bey) "Studien über die rituale Beschneidung im osmanischen Reiche" in Sammlung klinischer Vorträge Nr. 438 (serie 15) Chirurgie 123, Leipzig (1906),).

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