This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


Dear Robin,

I am 27 years old and I seem to have a lack of
sensitivity when engaging in sexual intercourse.

I've come up with several theories as to why this is but
have neglected to seek advise from a physician. Due to a
somewhat repressive family environment I've felt unable to
discuss this problem until recently. I am uncircumsized and
have, what appears to be scar tissue around the shaft of my
penis, just below the head. My mother remembers the doctor
claiming that my circumsicion was complicated, implying
that there was at least an attempt to circumsize me. I have
a full layer of foreskin that conceals the head of my penis
when flaccid. I've theorized that the doctor may have
sliced me without actually removing any skin, hence the
scar tissue. I've never had any problem reaching a climax
from masturbation. Yet, when engaged in intercourse, (while
NOT completely impossible), I feel unstimulated by the lack
of sensitivity and end up losing my "inspiration". I
generally don't have a problem maintaining an erection
unless I start to feel fatigued from trying so hard. I have
had orgasms from intercourse but it's always been a arduous
process and usually involves my partner increasing the
"kinky-ness" levels. Could there be any psychological
reasons for this type of dysfunction or Could my
dysfunction be attributed to the scar tissue? Any help or
advise would be greatly appreciated. -x



Im sorry about this one, but I just dont understand the explanation. The
scar tissue may indicate skin bridge, which can occur as a sheet of skin.

>I am uncircumsized and
have, what appears to be scar tissue around the shaft of my
penis, just below the head.

You make no mention of pain or discomfort. Only lack of sensitivity.

>My mother remembers the doctor claiming that my circumsicion was

A possible conclusion from what you write is that the operating
doctor made a mess of things, you may have apost circumcision phimosis ... or maybe the doc could have even damaged a couple of
nerves? I would check this theory with maybe a nurologist before
starting to question your own psychology.

> I have a full layer of foreskin that conceals the head of my penis
when flaccid.

You have a condition which is practically the same as pinhole phimosis, - i.e. your foreskin completely covers your glans. The glans and particularly under the glans the frenulum area is arguably the most sensitive area of the penis - However yours is covered, a bit like wearing gloves - and therefore less sensitive - You need some sort of treatment - but I would need better desriptions or pictures to advise.

Good Luck