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Re: Stevo's situation continued.

Written by Stevo at 26 Jun 2006 22:23:20:

As an answer to: Stevo's situation continued. written by Stevo at 25 Jun 2006 00:12:08:

I'm so distraught.

I've got my best friend here in town and my roommate from up north who came down to visit me. Only I can't go out and do anything, because I can't walk without hurting my dick. So their off going shooting hoops and going to the beach while I sit here, trying not to think of all the things that i'll probably never have again. I'd love to do many things besides sex right now, to at least take my mind off it. including getting a job, but i can't, because all the things i do hurt me.

I haven't seen my girlfriend in 7 months. I dread thinking how fucked up things are going to be when she and I finally spend some time together. I've been avoiding talking to her on the phone, I love talking to her, but just hearing her voice gives me an erection, and it hurts.

I can't do ANYTHING.


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