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Penis Fracture, Nerve Trauma
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Re: what should I do?

Written by Robin at 26 Oct 2006 18:35:26:

As an answer to: what should I do? written by J at 07 Oct 2006 03:58:24:

Hello J,

thanks for the letter. Sorry to hear of your injury, and sorry because I doubt if I can help. I would appreciate a long letter describing injury and symptoms fully, but even then I doubt if I could help.

As far as I know there is no centre for penile fractures, Im always asking people to give feedback on such things and nothing has been bought to my attention, even online. Im suprised if there is a visible symptom of discolouration, that the urologists have not been more help. I myself am incompetent to say whether surgery could help.

The medical reports suggest that surgery helps in 100% cases when treated immediately, and that only around 70% penis fractures will cure by themselves. I dont know if late surgery may help. Maybe you could visit a surgeon instead of trying another urologist. How many urologists have you tried, when its only one then get out and see a few more for their opinion.

thats about all I can do - apart from wish you good luck

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