To get a general background on the subject ... Some of the most
interesting and unbiased literature on the ancient enigma of routine
circumcision, is found in the religious encyclopaedias: Hasting's
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (1910) gives a detailed
introduction (about an hours reading time); compare this with Eliade's
Encyclopedia of Religion (1987) for a modern perspective on the
subject. (around 10 mins reading)
To get the deepest background education, Bryk's
book "Circumcision in Man and Woman" (1931) is a generally
recognised, enjoyable and a very thorough source book.
Phimosis Through the Ages gives a Summary and Index to all anthropological studies discussing phimosis.
Incidentally, to appreciate the sparsity of literature on circumcision, Eliade's
Encyclopedia of Religion (1987) comment that Bryk's book
"is the only anthropological survey of the topic." (78) - (Jensen also wrote a book which is thoroughly boring not very informative,
illogical, but has nice maps - !)