ARC letters: Feb 1999
Bob's letters edited together in two parts: Dorsal Slit and "skinning
it back"
... Interest in the foreskin, foreskin-related problems and solutions
to them have existed for a long time. Diderot's
Grande Encyclopedie, published some 240-odd years ago, has an
entry entitled Prepuce that, like much else in the Encyclopedie is
enlightening. It states that the foreskin is the most variable organ
in man, an observation that could be made in a country and time when
all men had foreskins. Somewhere on your page is a comparison of
the foreskin with the vermiform appendix, and I think it's an apt
The point has been made somewhere that circumcision wouldn't have
been invented if there were no use for it, and I think that point too
is valid. Parts of the world where it has been practiced tend to be
hot areas where water is often in short supply: Egypt, Pacific coastal
Peru, and Australia, among others. Your point as to the usefulness
of dorsal slit as a substitute for (or precursor to) circumcision is
well taken, but you're not strictly correct when you state that dorsal
slit is "simply unheard of."
Dorsal slit is not totally ignored, but I think it was more common
in the USA a couple of generations ago. It's long been called "the
French cut" by American physicians in the apparent belief that
the French perform it in preference to circumcision where they consider
intervention to be necessary. (I don't know if this belief is true;
perhaps you, located in Europe, can make a better determination of
its accuracy.)
A group of nude men with dorsal slits are quite unmistakable on
an early Egyptian bas relief. (Of course, full circumcisions are recognisable
in many examples of Egyptian art.) For hundreds of years dorsal slit
was practiced by millions in Indonesia, Malaysia, and parts of the
Philippines until the recent invention of the Tara clamp. Thor Heyerdahl
(Ancient Man and the Sea) says dorsal slit is the "circumcision"
traditionally practiced in the Pacific by many Polynesians and other
Between World Wars I and II it was done on a lot of kids born in
the Orlando, Florida area. I went to school with some of these guys,
and all of them appeared content with their lot. One of my roommates
who I could see had a dorsal slit was convinced he was circumcised,
and I didn't dispute his belief. I think the chief reason dorsal slit
was more or less abandoned in the USA was the appearance of the Gomco
clamp and the Plastibell, both of which made a total circumcision nearly
as easy to perform as a dorsal slit, even by a less-than-skilled surgeon.
In regard to complaints that the dorsally slit penis is less aesthetically
appealing than the circumcised, this may be questionable judging from
the fair number I've observed (though it would be presumptuous for
me to set myself up as an arbiter of penile beauty!). When the procedure
is done on a young patient, however, the separate flaps of foreskin
tend upon healing to more or less disappear behind and beneath the
glans so that although obviously still there, the remaining foreskin
is out of the way and not conspicuous. It totally disappears upon erection,
so the penis appears identical with one that was circumcised. Your
(Robin Stuart) point that dorsal slit can be done to eliminate foreskin
problems and can always be followed later by circumcision if the owner
of the dorsally slit penis so desires, is well taken.
... a couple of Texas paediatricians (Diaz, A. and H. I. Kantor,
1971. Dorsal slit, a circumcision alternative. Obstet. Gynecol. 37:619-622.)
These doctors told the mothers whose kids they were treating that this
was a "new kind of circumcision," which it definitely is
not. They reported some follow-up on their first patients, but I don't
know what has happened with dorsal slit in Texas since their work.
If I were king of the world, however, I think I would decree that all
newborn boys (except Jewish and Muslim kids, whose penile destiny is
already determined) would be given a dorsal slit by a competent surgeon.
If this were done, there would be no more routine neonatal circumcision,
but also there would be no more problems with adhesions, phimosis and
the like which the anti-circ boys (and girls!) claim don't exist. And
I submit that a lot of human suffering (and hopefully also impassioned,
ill-mannered contention!) would thereupon disappear from the earth....
... A dorsal slit at birth is a small price to pay to prevent these
needless problems. ...
... All this talk has reminded me of a man, born in Washington State
about the time WWII began (and thus now about 60 years old), who was
not circed but shortly after birth had a tiny snippet (no more than
1/2 cm) of the foreskin slit open on top of his penis at the tip end.
The slit was inconspicuous and hardly visible at very close range.
At the same time he made the tiny cut the doctor had apparently also
separated all of the internal foreskin from the glans and frenum with
a blunt probe. The result was that the foreskin was completely free
so that the glans became fully exposed whenever the penis was erect,
but when flaccid the glans was fully covered and it was obvious that
the penis was "normal" and was not circumcised.
Since erections are pretty common in growing boys and young men,
smegma and dirt never had a chance to accumulate under the foreskin
on the glans, and his penis stayed remarkably clean. As he grew up
I doubt that he was ever aware of any foreskin problem, and certainly
nobody could have convinced him that circumcision was a real need.
I envy him because with a minimum of trauma he was freed at birth from
any difficulties with his penis and any accompanying pain and embarrassment
that many kids with phimosis & short frenulum have experienced.
I don't know how the doctor who delivered him arrived at awareness
of this minimally traumatic, highly conservative procedure, but I think
if it were applied worldwide the question of ric or other bizarre penile
treatments would never arise. And we'd all be better off for it! (Whether
most frenular abnormalities could be relieved by similar conservative
treatment shortly after birth I don't know, but have a strong feeling
[not firm knowledge] that they could be.) |