Written by d on 22. September 1999 at 23:15:31:In Reply to: Overhang foreskin written by Alan on 22. September 1999 at 19:42:07:
>It is said that overhang foreskin is a valid medical reason for circumcision. What overhang would be considered to be acceptable and at what length of overhang would it be advisable to be circumcised?
I have never heard overhang as a reason for circumcision-- I have heard and read of those who attempt various techniques including some advertised on the web and magazines for lengthening overhang- but never as a reason for circumcision!- A new one each day! Maybe others have heard of this one but not here- and I thought I had heard all the reasons one could come up with for it
- Re: Overhang foreskin RS 25.9.99 (0)