Written by RS on 25. September 1999 at 08:29:31:In Reply to: infant (3yrs old) non retracting penis written by pat on 25. September 1999 at 05:58:23:
Hello Pat
Well I reckon you`ve found the right site at the right time .. 3 yrs is Gairdner`s advised age to start, so this has a good tradition ... now, lets see ... it seems necessary not too confuse you with too much of my idle chat ...,
I presume you`ve read my welcome page ...
www.male-initiation.netso I have a wonderful collection of ideas which suggest just a common sense approach to the whole subject ... the question of whether to circumcise or not seems particularly irrelevant in your case, if he had a phimosis it would be so "soft" at his age - --- stretching yes, but stretching needs to be very natural ...
this is all recorded in Chapter 4: Solutions ... (it would be worth you reading through the abstracts and reading deeper the texts which you feel are appropriate), .... The ideas in "Natures Way" were written by a parent, I think you`d learn from and like the text ... you^ll see it all ... go to solutions.html, ... read around a bit ... tell me where you think I`m writing rubbish, and lets discuss it a bit more
You note this Forum is full of questions on adult treatment, rather than infant prevention ... thank you for your question ...
https://www.male-initiation.net/solutions.html.... aaaaaand take a few days answering, cos I dont usually reply as quick as this, you just got in on the end of my weekly loggin session ...
>Message: I understand 3 years old is young! BUT I want to be aware and informed.My family GP has stated that my son has Phimosis. From what I have read I understand that this may not be, because he is still so young. His foreskin has never retracted, his stream is good, (according to my husband) my son never complains of pain or discomfort. When he was born the Doctor wanted to circumsize him, I asked the Doctor if there was something medically wrong with his penis (We are from the U.K. this proceedure is not performed as readily in the UK as it appears to be in North America)The Doctor advised NO but possibly later! I am now worried we made the wrong choice. I have recently read that streching can help -I know nothing about how to do this can anyone advise, or pass on any information that may be of help?
>Thank you!
>Concerned Mother