Written by Greg on 26. September 1999 at 10:33:05:I'd like to start out by saying that this is a wonderful forum which has greatly helped me in dealing with my condition.
I would like to direct discussion into a slightly different aspect of this condition which many of us face. I am 23, and I have secondary pinhole phimosis - I cannot really retract my foreskin at all.
I don't have any problems with it physically - sexual or hygenic. However, I dread having to explain my condition to each new girlfriend (not that there are that many!). Clearly, it's embarrassing to discuss, especially at the often delicate and critical moment of a first sexual encounter with a new partner. For example, what is the appropriate time to mention the problem? Should it mentioned at all? Basically, I fear a negative reaction from my partner upon seeing a "different" looking penis. What I'm curious to find out (and I may not be able to here with prodominantly male readers) is how have women typically reacted to this situation? In my case, I have asked my girlfriends if they feel it is a problem, and they have said no. But I wonder do women generally desire a penis that is "normal," or would having "special equipment" (as one forum contributer wrote) be exiting to a woman?
Right now I am between girlfriends, so I am leaning towards a partial circ anyway - just to avoid the issue altogether. But I am a little afraid to go under the knife down there - especially when it works fine. Since I am not physically bothered by my condition, I wanted to weigh all of these more physcological factors in as well before making a decision. I welcome and would apprieciate any and all comments on my thoughts and questions.
Thanks, Greg
- Re: Pinhole phimosis and female reactions to it IA 11.11.99 (1)
- Re: Pinhole phimosis and female reactions to it Bob Knight 17.11.99 (0)