Written by Eric on 27. September 1999 at 06:01:38:I have three boys, all non-circ. I am circ. and know very little
about non circ. stuff. This web site has taught me to have my boys
pull forward and back on their skins. My 7 and 3 year old seem fine,
able to see the head and roll the skin back a ways, but not all the
way. My 5 year old however has only a very small hole through which to
pee, when he pees the head fills up like a balloon causing him pain,
nothing of the head can be seen. I plan to take him to a pediatric
urologist, but being in the USA I'm afraid they will just offer
circ. as the solution. Help.
- Re: my five year old RS 03.10.99 (0)