Written by Peter on 09. October 1999 at 19:54:26:In Reply to: Problem? written by Bob on 09. October 1999 at 18:08:49:
>I have read the site and found it quite helpful but I need some advice.
>I'm 18 have just started university and of course I want to start pursueing
>a sexual relationship now that i'm away from home. The only problem being that
>I have a tight foreskin. When flaccid (I think thats the term) my foreskin
>retracts easily over my glans but when erect the most I can pull it back is to
>reveal 1-2 cm of my glans. The thing responsable for this is a part of my inner foreskin
>about 2 cm in length which is very tight. When I do pull it back I get the hourglass
>effect. There is also a small length of skin attaching my glans to the foreskin which
>is just under the opening on my glans and this is about half a centimetre in length.
>I went to see my local GP about this when I first noticed it around the age of 17
>(My puberty was later than average) and the best advice I got was pull my foreskin
>back every now a and then and wait and see what happens. I never really took the advice
>to heart and only occasionally tried pulling it back.
>Any help on diagnosis and treatment (apart from circumsicion which i'm not enthusiastic about)
>I would really appreciate before I get desperate and go to a GUM clinic.>Thanks Bob
Hi, Bob,The tightness of your foreskin (phimosis) when you are erect is common, and I had it myself in days gone by. If you look up in the website at www.male-initiation.net, there are several files dealing with it, and how to cure it without circumcision, and since yours doesn’t seem too bad, my guess is that they’ll probably work. My own experience is that tightness like yours should ease itself by gentle stretching, a bit every night, together with a bit of cream ointment. But be careful not to break the skin, because the scar tissue that forms when it heals makes it all tighter than when you started. As for the strip of skin underneath, this is the frenulum, and everybody starts out by having one. It is only a trouble if it is too short (when it is called frenulum breve), and again, the website has things on it. In my own case, mine was no trouble, and anyhow it just broke one day while I was wanking, which was fine for me, but some guys have trouble with it. I think that in most cases, if it is a nuisance, it can be snipped without much trouble.