Written by RS on 11. October 1999 at 21:44:06:In Reply to: alleviating and eliminating the white ring written by freud on 05. October 1999 at 21:51:15:
>I am interested in ultimatley getting rid of tightness and the so-called lichenous phimotic ring.
>I have tried streching with various vit e creams, essential oils etc with limited degrees of success. I have had slight tightness and when retracted fully, a visible white ring and hourglass effect. Short of circ, which I do not entertain, are there any other meathods which may be of help?
>I am in my early thirties. The problem of tightness has only recently recurred after experiencing difficulty of retraction and paraphimosis at the age of twelve. Since puberty, no difficulty has been experienced. I wish to avoid any trauma to the skin through possible invasive procedures.
I remember you from a previous exchange, cant remember exactly what happened ... OK so if its a lichenoid type then stretching is going to be tricky and you dont want an operation (not even a partial circ. or a dorsal slit? minimal invasion may be the simplest idea ...), I have two ideas, ... homeopathists apparently have a cure for balanitis, the thing is with homeopathy its specific to each individual ... I recently updated this on balanitis.html ... as well recently updated is creams.html, nothing really 100% hopeful but it leads us round to message no 10 in this FORUM from James about betamethasone .05%
Now there are a few studies on this subject, a really keen researcher could do a search on MEDLINE for : steroids OR betamethasone AND circumcision AND phimosis you can find a link to MEDLINE at the bottom of my index page ... search only the last 15 years because before that there`s probably nothing ... reading the abstracts of these studies can be a most useful education ...
So, there are surely other ideas, ... but thats all thats in my bag at the moment,
How does skin tissue regenerate? - I feel sure that someone running a herbalist site must have a few simple ideas on what natural things help skin tissue to regenerate ...
- Re: alleviating and eliminating the white ring freud 12.10.99 (0)