Written by Dave on 05. August 1999 at 11:53:43:Dear All
My son aged 7yrs has reciently complained of blood in his urine, abnormal stream
(spraying) when urinating. He was born with a hypo spladius ( spelling not known, but meaning the eye of his penis was not at end, but below and slightly back down shaft)an operation was performed to rectify this problem and a great
job was done by the surgeon, to not only look natural, but it seemed he had erection ability naturally as young children do.
After seeing a GP about blood in the urine it was tested negative to any thing he knew.we then asked for a referal to a specialist, who diagnosed it as lichen sclerosis. have been serching the web but have only found articles on females.
have been given a cream otodex, containing , framycetin sulfate bp, dexamethasone bp,gramicidin. if this does not work within 3 months an operation may be required.is there any one out there with reassurance or advice in a similar situation
- Re: lichen sclerosisn male child aged 7yrs RS 07.8.99 (0)