Circumcision decision
Written by H at 04 Jan 2000 23:45:06:As an answer to: Re: wish for circumcision written by KK at 03 Jan 2000 02:11:49:
>>>From an early teen years I've prefered the look (and feel) of the circumcised penis despite a realisation of the irrationality of it. which way should I go?
>>My advise would be to get it done. I was circumcised at 27 and have never looked back. I just wish I'd had it done earlier. So go ahead, it's worth it!
>I got circumcised. I like the look of it, the feel of it and find it much more attractive without the skin hood. If you want to know more about how it went - write me. It was nothing. I can't t hink why guys get worried about it. Circumcision is also very erotic
Agree on erotic aspect as well. would like to know more - specifically on requesting style