Written by Steve on 10. August 1999 at 03:05:41:hello, I recieved a dorsal slit as a child. I believe it was an obliqe dorsal slit. It was done without my permission and I want it reversed. I have finally gotten the nerve to consult a couple of doctors and have been met with total disregard for my feelings. they cannot comprehend why I would want to do this. I want to have the original scar re-opened and put back to its original position and stitched. Does anyone out there have a dorsal slit- has anyone tried to have it repaired- how did you find a doctor that isnt arrogant as hell- does anyone have before and after pictures? I havent been able to get any information about this in 5 or 6 years. am I totally alone on this????? If you can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You Very Much! Steve
- Re: Dorsal Slit Reversal dean 17.8.99 (0)
- Re: Dorsal Slit Reversal RS 13.8.99 (0)
- Re: Dorsal Slit Reversal Bob Knight 11.8.99 (0)