Re: Is a circ a bad thing?? WAS - Re: What a relief!
Written by Roxane at 05 Feb 2000 00:30:25:As an answer to: Is a circ a bad thing?? WAS - Re: What a relief! written by Dave In Northampton at 01 Feb 2000 09:58:10:
Hi Dave,
I don't think circumcission is a bad thing as long as you know all your options and that's the one you choose. I searched all over the place for another option for my son because I couldn't bear the idea of putting him through any unnecessary pain,
but if you think you'd prefer the look of a circ'd penis, then you should go for it.
I've heard that most definetly there is a decrease in sensitivity after circumcission and that it increases with age, but I guess there could be an up side to this (as Mr.Knight so eloquently mentioned).
I just want to say though, that there are no side effects with the cream, if that's your concern.
Based on what I've read about frenulum breve, I don't think you can aquire it. I believe you're born with it, so I don't think you have to worry about that. Hopefully, one of the guys on here who have had it (you know who you are guys - don't be shy - help him out) will be able to give you the info and enlighten me as well.
I wish you the best in getting this all sorted out.
Roxane>Hi all
>Is a circ or partial circ necessarily a bad thing?
>I'm wary about using creams.
>Also, I masturbate very gently - no choice - and it seems to be getting worse not better.
>Also I think its just Phimosis, but as it gets tighter the soreness is most apparent where it joins the head (why can't I remember what thats called!!), and this little bit is getting swollen......does that mean I may also have the other condition - "???? breve"?, or is it all a symptyom of the phimosis....I didn't have any problems till the Phimosis appeared.
>I'm seeing the GP (doctor) on Friday so any info would be welcome.
>Best wishes