Re: Your son`s phimosis
Written by RS at 06 Feb 2000 07:09:42:As an answer to: Re: Phimosis and Penile Growth written by Roxane at 16 Jan 2000 23:05:05:
The most sensible thing is to do exactly what you`re doing, to pester all the adult males you can find to test out the cream, before your sons puberty arrivesI wish you every success
>Oh, my son's phimosis is complete. At least it is again now, and it was before we used the steroid cream. The paraphimosis only occurred after we had used the cream for about a week.
so theres a "critical" phase when the phimotic ring is just about able to slip over the glans when erect ... just after this "phase" the ring may rub against the glans (danger of inflammation then infection), ... but if as you say
>We have used the steroid cream before and there is no stretching required - the cream widens the opening on it's own. I don't know how it works, but it does.
maybe it is a miracle cure, even though the studies say stretching is necessary, maybe as Nick says this only needs to be when urinating ... we need to confirm this ..
>Once he reaches puberty the steroid cream, coupled with normal teenage self-gratification (which will keep the phimosis from recurring as it has now) should resolve his problem (assuming it hasn't resolved itself before then).
You ask for Jack, to reasasure you on penile growth ... Jack seemed quite balanced and I quite like the perspective of some men who have accomodated a non-painful phimosis all their lives .... however such men dont know the difference ....
Let me try to assure you that there need be no problems with penile growth - the truth in this is that a hell of a lot of men with previous phimosis, experience a growth to their full potential size after ANY method of releasing the phimosis - ... the point is penile growth is a silly reason to go and get him circd tomorrow, if the paraphimosis is only when on the creams then take a while thinking about it, (if your nerves can take it!)
you wander the razors edge of a Mums worry, ... on the one hand circumcision: the medical advice and I`ve never heard any man complain about his circumcision when circd for "medical reasons" as a child, (this happens a lot in Germany around age 6) ,and I`ve never heard any resentment against the parents ---(the retribution some US RIC men feel is a completely different context - IS THIS CLEAR?)
---- on the other hand, if there`s a way to cure his foreskin without surgery, (without wrecking you and your sons nerves) then wonderful, and as you`re aware of some of the dangers (above) and parents must make such choices .. and you`ve heard my opinion in my first letter and decided to follow Nick, so I cant do much else can I :-) and you certainly get my support ...
The most sensible thing is to do exactly what you`re doing, to pester all the adult males you can find to test out the cream, before your sons puberty arrives
I wish you every success