Re: frenulum problem
Written by Craig at 11 Feb 2000 23:16:01:As an answer to: frenulum problem written by Paul at 09 Feb 2000 19:34:37:
Paul!I've got exactly the same problem. It was a relief when I found this site and realised that this problem was quite common. I never wanted heavy syrgery to fix it but I read on one of the links that Robin Posted on here that circumcision isn't necessary for a tight frenulum. I saw my GP about a month ago and I've got an appointment with a urologist in May. The operation is done under local, takes very little time and is about as traumatic as a trip to the dentist. Streching the Frenulum will rip it although my GP says that it streches when you become sexually active. See your GP and chances are that it will be sorted within a few months.
Feel free to E-mail me - I'll answer any of your questions.
Craig :-)
>I seem to have problem with my frenulum as it is stopping my foreskin going all of the way back. Any help
>It just feels tight and will not move. I am making progress with it , but can anything help to speed up the problem?