What is the operation like?
Written by Ken at 17 Feb 2000 06:19:51:As an answer to: Re: Frenulum Breve? Please Help written by dean at 14 Feb 2000 19:03:38:
Hey Dean (or anyone else who has had this),
I was just wondering what the operation to correct frenulum breve is like. Is it painfull afterwards? Is it weird being under only local anesthetic? How long until it was fully funtioning again? Were there any signs that you had an operation? (ie. scars, etc.) Thanks...
>>Ok. This is the problem. Ever since I was I child I relised that my foreskin didn't retract fully when erect (no problem when soft), but I thought it was normal. Masterbation was no problem, but when I become sexually active I noticed that something was wrong. I can now retract it when erect so that it is just no longer covering the head , but it is still painfull. I also noticed that my frenulum was very tight and was being pulled by the foreskin. My GP
>said I should stretch it in the bath, but I was the last patient on a Sunday and it didn't really seem like he gave a damn. After being with my girlfriend one day I noticed a tiny rip on my frenulum, so I believe I have frenulum breve. When soft, and I retract my foreskin fully (ie. not just past the head, but fully stretching the skin out), it pulls the head of my penis so that it is almost at a 90 degree angle... Is Frenulum Breve my problem? Does anyone else know what I mean? Do I need an operation? Please help...
>You certainly described what I had! it was a very simple operation in the Urologists office- deadened the area underneath and trimmed the frenulum away from the underside of the glans or head. absolutely changed everything! has been wonderful- can retract fully even when erect and it doesn't bunch up or form a tight ring behind the head when erect- of course some continued stretching is necessary- again -- yes it sure sounds like frenulum breve - email me if you want to discuss more
- Re: What is the operation like? dean 2/18/2000 02:36 (0)