Written by Steve on 22. August 1999 at 10:49:07:Hi, I'm a 33 male and I have, as far as I can tell, phimosis. I was born with an elongated foreskin with a narrow opening, and according to my parents, the doctor said that he would not recommend circumcision at birth but to wait and see if it caused problems in maturity.
It was only when I got older that I realised that my penis was different and it was really brought home to me by a girlfriend who seemed disappointed that the foreskin didn't retract at all.
I can get the foreskin back when my penis is flaccid (for cleaning) but it does not move back at all when I am erect.
I have to say that it hasn't really affected my sex life (or maybe it has and I'm just not getting as much from it as I should be!) but the idea of circumcision has always scared me as I have heard so many bad tales about too much being taken off.
I have recently found out about partial circumcision and was wondering if this is the safer bet for me. I am quite sure that if I went to the doctor he would want to take it all off but I know if I went and said I wanted a partial and explained my reasons behind it then it would be OK.
I live in the UK and would be willing to go private if it made things easier
- Re: possible mixture ... RS 22.8.99 (9)
- Re: possible mixture ... Steve 23.8.99 (8)
- Re: frenulum breve. RS 23.8.99 (7)
- Re: frenulum breve. Steve 24.8.99 (6)
- Re: typical frenular confusion RS 25.8.99 (5)
- Re: typical frenular confusion Steve 26.8.99 (4)
- Re: partial circ is the only question RS 05.9.99 (2)
- Re: partial circ is the only question Steve 09.9.99 (1)
- Re: partial circ is the only question RS 18.9.99 (0)
- Re: Atypical frenular confusion RS 27.8.99 (0)
- Re: Phimosis Dave 22.8.99 (0)