Re: Skin adhesion (or bridges) on my baby boy....
Written by Roxane at 27 Feb 2000 19:31:31:As an answer to: Re: Skin adhesion (or bridges) on my baby boy.... written by Marnie at 25 Feb 2000 16:49:30:
Hi Marnie,
No my son's problem hasn't corrected itself and it may not, but there is a topical steroid cream we used when he was younger that loosened the foreskin and though the results were not permanent then (because he was not comfortable with the idea of retracting his foreskin regularly), I'm sure if he uses the cream again when he's older everything will work out.
Mr. Knight's advise sounds very sensible to me and with the use of lidocaine cream (EMLA), the procedure would probably be painless for your son.
I would be interested in hearing what the Pediatric Uroligist has to say if you don't mind keeping the forum updated.
Good luck to you Marnie and try not to worry too much about making the wrong decision. You're doing the best thing you can for your son by seeking out the opinion of several people instead of taking the advise of one doctor unquestioningly.
Whatever your decision, it will be an educated one and therefore I'm sure the right one.
Roxane>Hi Roxane...
>Thank you for sharing your story with me, I truly appreciate the support...what was the outcome with your little boy? Did the problem correct itself?
>Hope all is well now...
>>I wish I had the answer for you. I know how awful it is to worry about one of your children.
>>When my boy was about 4, doctors started telling me I was going to have to have him circ'd because his foreskin didn't retract. I cried alot too.
>>Try this board:
>>Maybe someone there will have the answer for you.
>>Also there's an organization Called NOCIRC, they might be able to help you.
>>You can get their mailing address and fax # by doing a search.
>>Sorry I can't be of more help.
>>>Hi...I need help...
>>>My baby boy was cir'd at a day old. Now he's 10 months old and it appears that the skin has grown back where the "ridge" should be.
>>>I consulted with two different doctors and got two different answers. One says "leave it alone, the skin will detach by itself"..another says "you gotta rip the skin apart otherwise it will get worse."
>>>What should I do? I dread the thought of putting my son through this "ripping" procedure since I understand they do not use anesthesia. Is there anyone out there who has been through this. I really need help cuz I've been crying over this for days....
- Re: Skin adhesion (or bridges) on my baby boy.... Marnie 2/28/2000 17:25 (0)