Re: I want to have my foreskin all the time pulled back
Written by Marnie at 05 Mar 2000 18:40:39:As an answer to: I want to have my foreskin all the time pulled back written by laurent at 05 Mar 2000 03:21:29:
Gosh Laurent...I'm a female so I'm not much help here, maybe a man will answer you regarding the physical aspect of your question. But, as a woman and a mom, maybe you should think about getting a different girlfriend. It seems unreasonable to me that she would expect you to make your penis look circumcised. That's quite an expectation! I'm sure you care for her very much, but maybe she needs to not worry so much about how your penis looks, but rather focus on her emotional feelings for you.
Just my two cents...
---Marniei'm 21 and my girlfriend says she'd prefer my penis to
>look like a circumcized one, but i'm uncut, so my foreskin
>always covers my glans. I can pull it back easyly but
>it re-covers my glans within a faw time.
>Do you have any tips for the foreskin to remain always pulled
>back so it uncovers the glans?
>Obviously I don't want to be cut.
>sorry for my english, i'm french..