Oil of Cloves for hypersensitivity
Written by RS at 16 Apr 2000 07:28:21:As an answer to: Phimosis + Super sensitive glans written by Forlani, 16yo at 10 Apr 2000 02:19:48:
Phimosis hasnt affected you in any way, except it protected the glans so well that now you hate touching your own glans -- do you want to treat the phimosis or just the hypersensitivity? - I`ll take the question on gace value. ... interesting idea that some youths could get put off retraction because of this hyper sensitive problem ..
I used to suggest anaesthetic cream .. Nick (on another thread) suggests a dental anaesthetic, which brings me to the natural all time anaesthetic: cloves, --- and oil of cloves can be bought at any chemists without embarrassment, (say its for your bad tooth) , diluted (with olive oil), test it on your mouth, and then apply a little at a time to your glans, ...
please feedback on progress
>I have had phimosis all my life (16 years) and until now it has not affected me in any way. I have found that most men can retract there foreskin back over their glans, but I can just go over half of it. My glans is also very sensitive and I hate touching it. I have not started a sexual relationship because of this matter, but it has had no drawbacks on masturbation. What can I do to stop this from happening?