Re: urinating problem
Written by greg at 08 May 2000 02:00:56:As an answer to: Re: urinating problem written by Christiaan at 07 May 2000 20:25:37:
Alright so you're saying its normal or at least common to have a bit of urine come out uncontrollably ?
About the phimosis - I wasn't always able to pull it past the slit, its the
result of using betamethasone for a good 2 months now. Most people reported
that after 2 months their phimosis was cured. I can pull it down a good deal
but not totally, when I'm not erect and when I'm erect I can't really pull
it down much at all .. I get the feeling that this is the most that the
betamethasone is gonna get me because i haven't seen any more improvements.Anyway, my suggestion is that you should try the cream out, its cheap and
you might get better results than me.>I just wipe with a bit of toilet paper and that takes care of 90% of the problem. Trouble is, most guys "drip" in their briefs some no matter what and women don't always wipe it all up either. As for the phimosis, I'm tight too but pulling the foreskin past the slit hurts.
- Re: urinating problem Christiaan 5/08/2000 22:23 (6)
- Re: urinating problem greg 5/12/2000 23:27 (5)
- Re: urinating problem christiaan 5/14/2000 04:09 (4)
- Re: urinating problem greg 5/15/2000 05:06 (0)
- Re: urinating problem R J Knight 5/15/2000 02:36 (2)
- Re: urinating problem Christiaan 5/16/2000 06:49 (1)
- Re: urinating problem R J Knight 5/16/2000 17:52 (0)