Re: What a wonderful place, if you need an answer...
Written by R J Knight at 15 May 2000 02:19:48:As an answer to: What a wonderful place, if you need an answer... written by Norman at 14 May 2000 09:28:32:
One thing about the Internet, Norman, is that you're likely to get quite different responses to any questions you pose, based on the experience and the cast-of-mind of each of the persons answering you. Strictly speaking, the doctor is probably correct in telling you that you are normal because many adult males do in fact have tight foreskins that don't retract when the penis is erect; thus, this condition is within the scope of "normal" human variation. But, call it normal or not, that doesn't make it comfortable when you're trying to have a healthy sex life, and there's no reason to put up with it. If you've been keeping up with this forum recently, you know that some men report a favorable response (that is, successful stretching) when they've used certain ointments over a period of weeks. Another approach that usually works well is to have a small slit made on the top side of the foreskin (dorsal slit), just large enough to permit full retraction of the foreskin. The slit can be quite tiny--so small that it isn't obvious on casual observation--and still achieve the desired result. It can be done under a local anaesthetic, normally causes little pain, and heals rapidly. This is the procedure I'd go for, but of course you first need to find a sympathetic physician who's willing to help you. The one who told you your tight foreskin is "normal" probably won't be much help; you might tell the next one you consult "Yes, I've been told it's normal but I want to be able to have the glans fully exposed when erect!" Remember it's your life, your penis and your choice, and the doctor's function (in theory, at least!) is to help you solve the medical problems that confront you, not to try to persuade you to accept and live with them if they are of a nature that truly lowers your quality-of-life; and I would agree with you that an inability to retract the foreskin when the penis is erect does indeed detract from the quality of life, and ought to be remedied. (Especially when it can be remedied with such a minor kind of intervention.) Good luck! Bob.
>I recived 2 rplys, they are one the opposite of te other...
>Anyway, why is someone writing as a 15 years old boy??
>It will be more thrustful an older author...
- Re: What a wonderful place, if you need an answer... Norman 5/18/2000 00:16 (0)