Re: frenulum tore me quick response...
Written by Jimmy J at 17 May 2000 05:55:46:As an answer to: Re: frenulum tore me quick response... written by R. J. Knight at 15 May 2000 01:37:28:
>Since you wrote on 6 May & it's now the 14th, you're probably well on the way to recovery. Unless you get an infection, I doubt that anything serious will happen. There must be thousands of guys who've gotten a torn frenulum in the course of exploratory sex, & most have got over it with no special effort. (Some zealous docs in the USA have used this as an excuse for circumcision--drastic & almost always unnecessary!) If yours is still unhealed, it might help to wash the raw area with warm water & mild soap every day (then carefully rinse away all the soap residue) until it's healed. After that, if the healed tear doesn't get in the way of sexual activity, then you're home free--if it does cause discomfort, that is the time to go see a doctor. LOL, Bob.
Thanks Man...Yeah it is pretty healed now...just a bit sore when I am with my girl friend...haha right. But anyway thank you very much for the dont know how scared i was...Yeah and it looks good, no infection and it is healing. Everything is on the "up and up."JIMMY J
- Re: frenulum tore me quick response... Erik 7/10/2000 12:43 (0)