Re: I have no clue what to do about my frenulum breve!
Written by Jimmy J at 26 May 2000 05:55:31:As an answer to: I have no clue what to do about my frenulum breve! written by Phil at 25 May 2000 03:20:03:
>I am 16yrs old and I am almost certain I have frenulum breve. Is this condition gonna stay with me for ever now that I have it when i'm 16? I have a girlfriend and I think that we may have sex soon, what should I do? She has no clue of my condition. Is it dangerous for me to have sex when i have frenulum breve? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am a little worried.
Hey man be careful, and dont be too rough, it is possible to tear, and rip your frenulum...Im 17 and I ripped mine with my girlfriend if you havent seen in earlier questions. Yeah I just want to tell you to be careful. Oh yeah and if you tell your girlfriend she really wont care if she likes you, but if she has a problem, then she isnt worth it. What can i say girls are evil! haha