Re: Tight Foreskin and Frenuloplasty
Written by R J Knight at 01 Jun 2000 16:47:31:As an answer to: Tight Foreskin and Frenuloplasty written by Andy at 01 Jun 2000 12:22:35:
Wait a couple of weeks, until things have healed properly, and see if the foreskin problem is solved. If not, go to a trusted urologist and get a short dorsal slit, just long enough to relieve the problem for good. About 5 minutes of very minor surgery could relieve most of the foreskin problems that confront uncircumcised young men. Best wishes, RJK.
>I yesterday had a frenuloplasty to relieve a tight foreskin. On searching through the messages on this board and other Internet sites I cannot find any link between this operation and the relief from a tight foreskin. Can anyone advise whether they have had this operation as a relief or have I been badly advised by the physician.?