Re: pulling foreskin down
Written by Jan at 05 Jun 2000 21:07:38:As an answer to: pulling foreskin down written by Rich at 05 Jun 2000 01:17:33:
I wouldn't rush anything. If you aren't able to slip your foreskin back comfortably when soft and not able to retract when stiff, then I would wait some more before I tried. When you do skin yourself right back, don't leave your foreskin back very long. If you become erect and the skin is back, it will probably get caught there. No matter if you know what to do or not, that isn't a situation to be taken lightly at all. If you're still feeling pain, then you aren't ready to go over the rim on your knob.
As far as the smegma goes, it's a naturally occuring substance. I wouldn't worry about it, especially if it's helping the skin slip back. When you do begin to clean yourself though, only wash with clear water, no soap, as that will really irritate your foreskin and make problems.
>I've been doing a combination of betamethasone and stretching which
>has allowed me to pull down my foreskin considerably when not hard.
>I have noticed I have a lot of crap (smegma I believe) under my foreskin,
>its nasty but it is also what allows me to help pull down my foreskin.
>this is because it makes it a little slippery which aids in the foreskin going
>down - nevertheless its still tight and while I think I can pull the foreskin
>totally down past the glans when not hard I fear its going to get stuck -
>I need advice, should I attempt to pull it past the glans even though its so
>tight (I don't feel that much pain)