Written by JohnC at 02 Jul 2000 03:07:04:As an answer to: Re: BXO written by cdp at 19 Jun 2000 22:26:39:
>Hi guys...
>I just wanted to give you my VERY recent experience on this subject.
>I am 35 years old and recently discovered a lump to the left side of my left testicle. Being a little concerned that this may be something like a cancerous growth, I visited my family doctor (I'm single, so it's only realy me) to have an examination.
>Unfortunately, as I had a real bad experience in the past (when I was young) with a doctor and the way he handled my "private" body parts, I was very concerned about the way I may get treated and handled this time.
>To cut a long story short, my doctor was fantastic but unfotunately, the diagnosis was not so. I had a scrotal abcess.
>With this, I was referred to a Urologist (a Dr Davidson) and again I explained my predicament and added that I thought I needed to be circumcised as my foreskin was closing up and it was becoming more difficult to urinate and clean my penis.
>I must confess, this closing of the foreskin had been going on for some time but I'd never had the courage to go and see a doctor before this - I'm such a jerk! IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS, GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR NOW!
>Anyway, 2 days after seeing Dr Davidson, I was in the local Urology Center, as an out patient I might add, having the abcess incised and drained and also was being circumsized.
>I went back to him today, June 19th, 2000 for a post op visit and I asked if he knew what had caused the abcess. Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans he told me, or more commonly known as BXO.
>Well, it's been just over two weeks since the op and my first week was somewhat uncomfortable, more to the incision and drain (as I was stuffed with padding) than the circumcision. The incision, although the wound was left open to ensure full drainage, is now 99.9% healed and the pain is gone.
>I do have some discomfort with the head of my penis being that it's now an open gland and not used to being exposed, but my doctor suggested any of the medical creams ending in "nide" so that's what I'm gonna try. I'm still applying Polysporin to the base of the head to avoid any infection and will continue to do so until the stitches, blood scabs and all have completely gone. This helps with the tenderness too.
>As for the white skin like residue, I am getting this around the base of the head, rather than over it but, using a little bit of care, this rubs off easily in a tub of WARM bathing water (I soak for about 10 minutes at least twice daily).
>I do have to return to the Urologist every 6 months until they are 100% satisfied the BXO has completely cleared, but I'm confident, given the expertise, consideration and understanding of Dr Davidson, that the legions and infection is gone for good, or at least until I'm an old man!
>>Hello John and thanks for the feedback, - a very interesting little contribution ... Are you circumcised or not? .. I`m not too well up on infections and have never heard from Desonide ...The main problem is that infections reccur, you wisely say "its done the trick at least for now" - so I`d ask if its possible could you drop us a note in 6 months time when we hope you`ll still be in good health.
>>>Text: I was diagnosed with BXO in December after biopsy was done. I had noticed a white, coarse area of skin around my urethral opening which constricted the flow of urine. I had surgery to widen the opening to a normal size and then was given an ointment (Desonide) to apply twice daily for 6 weeks. I just went to the doctor's yesterday and things look much improved. There is very little evidence of BXO and the cream seems to have done the trick (at least for now).
Desonide is a medium-potency steroid cream. The fact that it is apparently being used successfully for treatment of LSA (BXO) is of great interest, and further undermines the contention that circumcision is the only real solution to this problem. I'll look forward to the update on this treatment :-)