Re: Heres a link for you!
Written by Matt at 06 Jul 2000 04:10:59:As an answer to: Re: Heres a link for you! written by Nick at 05 Jul 2000 21:42:59:
>>Hey im 17 years old and I have Frenulum Breve. The pain is unbare-able when masterbating... Well its not that bad but it hurts! Anyways, I know im going to have sex soon but I do not want my Frenulum to rip. I have been on many sites and I found one that quotes a man that has gotten incision of the Frenulum done. He described the pain as the worst he has ever had, that it felt like he was hit with electricty because of the senstivity and felt like he was dead.... now this sounds like it sucks and I do want it done, but does it really hurt so much? How long is the *Procedure* ?And also how long does it take to heal completely? Thank you very much.
>Heres a link I found. It will tell you everything you need to know. If not, this forum can.
>If it doesnt work, email me and I'll put it up again.
>Stay cool,
Ya man Ive read all of that stuff I just want to know about the pain of the operation and how long it takes to hear, I want to hear it from someone who has had it done. Thanks anyways bro.-Matt
- Re: I know a guy our age who had it done Nick 7/07/2000 02:51 (3)